Monday 25 January 2010

Soaps are rubbish, bring back british tv, the good stuff

Ive been watching soaps for a while on British television and in the Uk they just get worse and worse. I think that emmerdale is probably the worst so far, and I think that the best is eastenders. Now just because I say this, it does not mean I hate TV altogether, of course these programs are a big part of UK television, but come on, they must be able to get something better on the TV. Have you ever stopped to try and think about how many things these people have done in their lives? Most of the actor or characters on the show have made many wifes and husbands, many divorces, they have usually killed someone and also they have usually gone away at some point but always returned. How strange huh, what happened to real life when people leave and never come back. It does actually quite confuse me. Ok guys, I know that it is not meant to be real, and I too understand that Eastenders is made for entertainment.

Many people in the past have said that they need all the commotion for the entertainment of the show. To be honest I do agree with them, I think that if they did not have these crazy plots and ongoing stories people would give up and get bored. So on one hand I think “How can they put such things on TV” and on the other hand I think that it will probably make better tv. Its quite strange really, because I started off by saying I really dislike it, and I do. I suppose now when you think about it, it is cool that they can do so many things to one character, without us noticing, unless we go back in history. You always feel at home and know that you can pick up on the story line at any time.

I think the TV over the last 10 years will be very different to televisions that are about now. I meant come on, think about it. This culture is so different to the last 10 years. We are in YouTube mania culture and facebook rules the world. It’s quite funny actually because if you think about it, in 20 years time people will read this and think. Wow I remember the days when it was like that, but until then, what I say is true. I just hope TV gets better, the difference will reflect the society that will live in. I suppose only time will tell, hello 2012.

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