Tuesday 12 January 2010

Good Japanese Mini trucks | I love Japanese mini trucks

I been getting into Japanese culture recently and found there are many things cool about it. Obviously their Art is quite superior to ours, and it’s quite funny because we in the western world are meant to be ahead in this field. Japanese mini trucks are my new hobby, lol. Well at least if I had the money I would want to get into them. The Japanese mini trucks that I am talking about are the ones that you have probably seen getting quite popular over the last few months, and they are in many cases quite new to England and America. The Japanese mini trucks have obviously not caught on as much over here as they have over there. But it is well worth investing in one of you have the money. To be honest I think that the Japanese mini trucks will become specialist items, and eventually become a lot of money to buy second hand. I have got that much money at the minute to be honest, but I have made a promise to get one, in the next 6 months.

The Japanese mini truck that I will be getting will be a dark blue, the reason I choose the colour is this. It really does stand out against all the other trucks. I have found that the other colours are much more bright and bold, I definitely do like these, but I have realised that I want one that will stand out because its colour is not bright and bold. You get many colours that will shock people, but me, (being a modest person) wants one that will stand out for the right reasons, rather than been a little show off. I think ill be able to get one of those Japanese mini trucks probably in around 8-12 weeks, they are not really that expensive for what you are getting really, but they are really good, and are becoming more and more fashionable by the minute. I would recommend that you do try to get some of them. If you can get a few Japanese mini trucks that probably would be even better for you because you would have a larger choice. If you are going to do this, then get some colours that are all different from each other, this way you will have a large selection of tem, and you can play with your different Japanese mini trucks when you like.

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